Chattanooga Times friday, 17 february 1893, p1

Blount's Lynching Dissolves The
Colored Foundry Scheme.

Participants In the Riot of Tuesday May Rest Easy, at Least Until May, as it is Not Likely the Grand Jury Will Act Before.

There was but one echo of any consequence yesterday to the lynching of Tuesday. It was the colored co-operative foundry company, which was in course of organization, had gone all to pieces and that the lynching was the whole cause of the dissolution. Ed F. Horne, who was one of the promoters of the colored foundry scheme, said that the co-operative company was all ready to go to work and enough stock had been paid in to establish the beyond a doubt. Of the paid up stock, $2,700 of it came from subscribers in Knoxville, Sparta, Ga., and Chicago. The morning following the lynching all of the foreign subscribers telegraphed the Peany Savings bank cancelling their subscriptions and ordering the return of their money instanter. This was done. The news of the withdrawal became current among the local stockholders and they followed the lead of the outsiders. The result was that two months work was wrecked within a day and the co-operative scheme has been entirely abandoned.

Mrs. Moore Improving.
Mrs. Moore, the victim of Tuesday's outrage, is rapidly recovering from the nervousness attendant upon her awful experience. The lady was much improved yesterday and will be able to leave her bed within a few days. Despite the rain the home of the lady on Helen street continued yesterday an attraction for many curiously inclined, and during the day many strangers to the neighborhood would be seen passing the house, seeming satisfied with a quick examination of the premises.

Breathing Easier.
Participants in the mob of Tuesday were somewhat alarmed when it became rumored that Attorney-General Brown's indignation would take shape in a very vigorous prosecution, and that Sheriff Skillern was also determined to play for even by aiding Mr. Brown in every possible manner. But a night's sleep seems to have lessened the wrath of the official, for the opinion current at the court house yesterday was to the effect that nothing whatever could be done. It seemed settled that Judge Moon would not recall the grand jury and if any action was taken it would be at the May term. By this time, the men responsible for Blount's death are of the opinion that their lawless actions have become ancient history.

Chattanooga Times 17 February 1893 page 3

Mrs. Blount Sues Chattanooga Over Her Husbands Lynching 8 July 1893

LYNCHED. Alfred Blount, a Negro, Suffers Death 15 february 1893

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