the Dao of Atheism :jeffers' petroglyph, pre-dakota, minnesota : the Shaman Atheist 72/81


If your authority is not sufficient
let go
the power of the universe will suffice.

Do not restrict others
or make them do things you want
let go
and they will stop running from you.

The wise
know themselves,
know their power
but do not show it,
know their own quality
but do not use praises or titles.

Let go
of that
take this.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the three most popular theisms in the world, teach the existence of one god. As a counter-faith, the most popular atheisms teach the non-existence of that one god.
The problem is that there are many other gods that are far more powerful and debilitating in their belief than Yahweh/Christ/Allah.

Goddesses and gods die, but are always replaced. The power that creates and animates a god never dies. Upon a god/dess' death, its energy is not destroyed, only transformed. God-energy is always here among us humans, waiting for an incarnation.
We amuse ourselves in these modern times with the ignorant ways that the ancients used to deify stones or trees or animals. We now attend more seriously those deities that take human form or from whose likeness we were modeled, and we are most serious with those deities that have old books that tell us how to conform to their divine ordinances. These gods, too, are passing away among us, but even though their personality is lost, their god-energy remains to take on new forms.
As art has changed, so have our gods. As art becomes more abstract and plays more frequently with the micro-mundane, so too theology changes. Atheism needs to be aware of these changes and keep apace.
Nietzsche proclaimed that god was dead in 1883. In the 1960's radical Christian theologians themselves pronounced the death of god. These were two tell-tale clues that the god-power was changing. At the sound of those death knells, atheists should have begun hunting for the future incarnation of the god-energy. So they looked and, finding no new savior of olympic quality, rejected the latest religious fads as stillborn gods and casually maintained the fight against the same old religions. This has been the major mistake of contemporary anti-theism: its quixotic battle with the dying mythic gods, while remaining ignorant of the new gods that have been born inside the secular realm.
The advent of these new gods has even been heralded,
but few have listened.

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